Confirming the film, producer Sagar Koli (Killekar) said this was the first film based on the Koli community.

"I am very happy and proud to announce that this will be the first eve ..."/>

Comedy drama 'Yaa Go Dandyavarna', based on Koli community, announced

Source From: IANS 2021-07-05 19:50:12

"Yaa Go Dandyavarna", a film on the Maharashtrian Koli community, was announced on Monday. The film is a comedy drama based on the life of a family in the community. Cast and crew details are yet to be announced.

Confirming the film, producer Sagar Koli (Killekar) said this was the first film based on the Koli community.

"I am very happy and proud to announce that this will be the first ever film that would be made on a story revolving around the Koli community and highlighting the culture and insights on our life. The film will show our culture, our lifestyle with a bit of humour and drama. The film will have ribtickling comedy with thriller elements. It is a full-pack feature film and I am sure the audience is going to love it. I am sure this film is going to be a matter of pride for all of us and draw more light towards all of us in the Koli community."

The story of the film is credited to the producer's father, late Kishan Killekar.